It can be disheartening to reach a stage of life when you have more time for recreation, only to experience age-related pain and stiffness that prevent you from enjoying this new-found leisure time to the full. Appropriate care at ONE HEALTH can assist in helping you to become more active with less aggravation.
The effects of ageing on the body can cause symptoms such as:
poor balance
general stiffness
back, neck and arm pain
hip and knee pain and stiffness
arthritis and joint swelling
high blood pressure.
Osteopathic, Physiotherapy & Remedial massage treatment can go a long way towards relieving these distressing conditions. If surgery is also required, the post operative recovery period can be prolonged and painful. ONE HEALTH may be helpful during the recuperation period.
The techniques we use aim to maintain your health, increase mobility, improve balance, prevent further joint wear and tear, and help keep you active and independent.
Many older Australians mistakenly believe that the effect of ageing on their body's joints is untreatable and inevitable, and they have no alternative but to learn to live a lesser life with their pain.
Keeping mobile is the key to your health, happiness and independence. We can offer treatment and advice to help harness your body's natural healing systems—improving mobility, circulation and balance, reducing joint stiffness and helping you lead a more fulfilling life.
We can provide:
Effective treatment to keep your body balanced and mobile
home exercises to keep you stronger and more flexible
advice on nutrition
guidance about outdoor exercising, such as a daily walk to keep your circulation healthy and maintain muscle tone
advice about gentle stretches to help maintain joint and muscle flexibility and assist in preventing injuries
information about therapies like Tai Chi, yoga or gym-based training which can maximise your balance and strength.
As we get older, the body loses elasticity—increasing the chance of injuring the soft tissues and bony structures. The body also loses some of its ability to recover from injuries or strains. ONE HEALTH can work with other health practitioners to ensure a whole body approach to your health care.
Article courtesy of & modified from Osteopathy Australia's website
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